Legionella Risk Assessments and Testing for Domestic Properties.  ACOP L8 Compliant, Trading Standards Approved, Trust Mark Certified and Water Safe Registered.

All domestic rented properties need a Legionella Risk Assessment.  Not having an up to date risk assessment carried out by a "competent" person can leave you liable to fines and prosecution.  Carrying out Legionella testing without having a risk assessment in place does not satisfy the requirements of the ACOP L8.  The need for domestic rented properties to have a Legionella Risk Assessment and not just Legionella testing was confirmed by the Health & Safety Executives "Myths Buster Challenge Panel" in case number 357.

Accreditations, Qualifications and Memberships

Water Wise are approved by Trading Standards and certified by Trust Mark who are a Government endorsed competent person scheme.  Our assessors are also members of the CIPHE, recognised by DEFRA and the Secretary of State as Approved Contractor Persons under the Water Supply Regulations and are Water Safe registered as required by the Department of Health's HTM 04-01.

Why Do I Need a Legionella Risk Assessment

In 2013 the 4th Edition of the HSE's ACOP L8 and technical guidance HSG 274 was released.  Previously to the 4th edition there was an artificial 300 litre volume limit for hot & cold-water systems which effectively excluded domestic rented properties from the ACOP L8.

The artificial 300 litre limit was removed because research has shown that Legionella can exist and grow in smaller water systems.  In support of the change the HSE released "Essential Information for Providers of Residential Accomodation".

There is no requirement to test for Legionella in domestic properties unless a specific reason or risk has been identified.

Our Service

Our assessors will measure the performance of your systems against the requirements of the HSE's ACOP L8 or if you are a health and care site against the requirements of Department of Health and Social Care's HTM 04-01.  We will also inspect any control and prevention records you may have to help assess the risk at the site. 

Once the risk is assessed, a written risk assessment will be produced which will include an "Action Point List" and a site specific Legionella Control Scheme with our recommendations of measures to carry out at the site to minimise the risk of Legionella.

What Do Our Assessments Include?

  • Built in Document Control
  • Built in Review Log
  • Air Conditioning Systems
  • Cold Water Storage Tanks
  • Water Heaters
  • Expansion Vessels
  • Outlets
  • TMV Valves
  • Deadlegs & Other Issues
  • Action Point List
  • Written Report
  • Legionella Control Scheme
  • Schematic (if required)

Contact Us

For more information or for a free no obligation quote then please contact us and one of our team will be in touch as soon as possible.

Legionella Risk Assessments and Testing for Domestic Properties.  ACOP L8 Compliant, Trading Standards Approved, Trust Mark Certified and Water Safe Registered.

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