Regular temperature monitoring of hot & cold-water systems is a basic requirement of the HSE's ACOP L8, HSG 274 and the Department of Health's HTM 04-01. It is also the most cost effective option to control and prevent Legionella bacteria. Your temperature monitoring requirements should be detailed in your Legionella Risk Assessment and written down in your Legionella Control Scheme. Anyone involved in temperature monitoring needs to be technically competent.
Why Choose Water Wise Services
Our Water Temperature Monitoring Service
Our temperature monitoring service uses a mixture of remote and on site temperature monitoring systems. The frequency and temperature requirements are dictated by your risk assessment.
The Benefits of Remote Temperature Monitoring
The Benefits of On Site Visits
Water temperatures are recorded in a Legionella Logbook which is then sent to you so you can demonstrate your compliance with the HSE's ACOP L8, HSG 274 and HTM 04-01.